
On 2-4 November, the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent hosted the annual international transport exhibition TransLogistica Uzbekistan 2022. Latvia participated in this event with the industry brand VIA LATVIA as well as a large delegation with transport sector representatives, led by the deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Transport, co-chairman of the Latvia-Uzbekistan Transport Working Group Uldas Reimans. The Latvian stand was widely visited and was also recognized as the best national exhibition design (Best National Group Exposition Design).

The broad interest for cooperation from both countries resulted in a decision to organize a business seminar for Latvian and Uzbek businessmen led by U.Reimanis and co-chairman of the Latvian-Uzbekistan Transport Working Group - Deputy Minister A.Muminov. U. Reimanis opened this event by emphasizing: "The cooperation between Latvia and Uzbekistan in the field of transport has developed very dynamically this year. The delegation of Uzbekistan led by the Minister of Transport I. Mahkamov visited Latvia this summer - the agenda was full of events, meetings and working groups, and railway and port sector representatives signed several Memorandums of Understanding. This proves the interest of our transport industries to cooperate and actively participate in the dynamic Eurasian transportation process. " After the seminar, the Latvian and Uzbek businessmen exchange contacts, and the Riga Freeport Authority, Ventspils Freeport Authority and the Liepaja SEZ stevedore company "Terrabalt" signed cooperation memorandum with the Uzbekistan side. This event was also noticed by the mass media of Uzbekistan and was shown in the news and TV broadcasts.

During this visit U.Reimanis also met with the Deputy Minister A. Muminov and the Deputy Minister for Aviation Affairs Ž. Čorijeva, discussing the potential to expand the cooperation opportunities, especially regarding the attraction of cargo to the Latvian transport corridor.

The Latvian delegation was very broadly represented, including the large transport sector companies VAS "Latvijas dzelzceļš", Riga Freeport, Ventspils Freeport and Liepāja SEZ, road transport association "Latvijas auto", Latvian Stevedoring Companies Association, and many more. They were all actively participating in the business seminar and exhibition and returned home with many new connections and contacts.